
How To Unfreeze Black Water Tank

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Cardinal Points:

  • Whatever part of your RV'southward h2o system is susceptible to freezing and damage without the correct prevention measures, some more plush than others.
  • At that place are many tools on the market that tin be used for unfreezing frozen pipes and tanks, and some can exist used for freeze prevention likewise.
  • Be certain to use thawing tools properly and safely to avoid the risk of burn or damage.

Frozen pipes and tanks are a cold conditions camper's nightmare, which is why taking preventative steps is so important when camping in cold conditions. Fortunately, thawing frozen tanks and pipes might non exist that hard if y'all take the right tools with yous. Many of these thawing techniques are likewise preventative measures, and the tools used to prepare for cold atmospheric condition should exist staple items in your RV if you volition be camping ground through the wintertime, and even if you will exist camping in the fall or very early in the spring when the weather condition in many areas can surprise you with early or late freezing temperatures. In this article, we will discuss the parts of the RV water system that could freeze, tools you might want on paw to thaw frozen tanks and pipes, and some of the techniques when using those tools to avert damage during the thawing process.

Components Most Likely to Freeze

Almost any function of the RV'southward h2o organisation could freeze during sustained sub-freezing temperatures without any heating or insulation methods employed, but freezing in some parts could exist much more costly than in others.

  • Water pump - this is the pump that pushes fresh h2o through the lines to the sinks, shower, and toilet. Ice formation within the pump'due south delicate innards can fracture and go badly damaged every bit the freezing water expands, so be certain that if yous doubtable the pump has frozen to work on thawing this showtime and confirm whether or non it has been severely damaged. Impairment to the water pump could finish your trip prematurely and cost a lot to repair or replace information technology, then if yous aren't yet dealing with freezing water pump issues, exist certain you accept preventative measures in place.
  • Fresh water lines - the lines that carry fresh water to the sinks, shower, and toilet may have bends in them where h2o can sit down and freeze. If you take non been running your within heater or your fresh water lines exist on the underside of the RV (not within the living infinite) and practise non have insulation, they can freeze faster than yous might recall in consequent freezing temperatures.
  • Fresh water hook-up garden hose - when you are on water claw-ups, the garden hose that delivers the fresh water to your RV volition be sitting exterior in the cold and the water in it can easily freeze in the hose. This can cause major problems when you're trying to get water to movement; because it'southward outside in the elements, it can easily freeze and block the line from moving water through your RV.
  • All holding tanks - these tanks are susceptible to freezing because they may exist under the RV instead of inside the living space. The soap and organic residue in black and grayness tanks will help to lower the freezing indicate slightly, but without other insulation or heating methods, at that place is nevertheless a definite risk of freezing. RVs with the freshwater tank on the outside of the living space are also at higher hazard of freezing.

Preventative measures are always better than waiting until a trouble pops upwards, so if you are using insulation methods and heaters before temperatures driblet below freezing, you shouldn't have to worry most freezing pipes and tanks. However, it's always a good idea to have some "unfreezing" tools on hand just in case the worst should happen.

Tools to Unfreeze RV Pipes and Tanks

Many of the techniques that you can use to unfreeze pipes and tanks are also preventative measures that yous should use before temperatures driblet, which is a win-win because yous volition already take what you demand to prevent freezing in the first place.

  • Estrus gun - these are very affordable and range from the low cost of $xviii.99 to every bit high every bit $133. For the purposes of thawing pipes, opt for the less expensive pick that really does the same affair as the more expensive one, and toss it in your winter tool kit but in case.
  • Pilus dryer - if y'all desire to opt for a hair dryer you already own over a estrus gun, this tin assistance with thawing too. Nevertheless, go along in mind that most pilus dryers have a much lower maximum temperature than estrus guns, which have a much higher maximum temperature. Since a oestrus gun reaches higher temperatures, it means less time under the RV thawing, which is always amend, right!
  • Heating cablevision or heating tape - there is a departure between heating cables and heating tape. Heating tape is usually made out of silicone or a poly blend, is flatter than heating cables, and tends to be on the more expensive side ($100 or more than for nearly). Heating cables look similar to extension cord cables (more rounded as opposed to flat) and are usually less expensive. Most of the heating cable and heating tape options out there are thermostat controlled then the heating element always kicks on merely earlier freezing temperatures are detected and all types will need admission to electricity, so it's really up to your own preference. Keep in mind, still, that while most use a standard three prong cord, some are trace cables where it must be directly wired into the electricity source. These are tools that can help y'all both prevent freezing pipes and thawing already frozen pipes.
  • Heating blanket - typically, heating blankets are used for the tanks themselves and they are much like electric blankets y'all might utilise in your habitation just much more outdoor hardy and can put out college rut. Depending on the size of the blanket, voltage, and blazon of material, price can vary from about $15 up to $200. These blankets work better for freeze prevention, but they can also be a valuable item in helping to unfreeze frozen tanks.
  • Propane heater - if your tanks or pipes underneath the RV are frozen, a quick style to warm things up under at that place is to place a propane heater underneath the RV. Information technology shoots a powerful moving ridge of heat outward wherever information technology is pointed, so while information technology is a good mode to warm things up speedily, this choice has safety risks. Be sure the heater is non near or pointed too close to anything that could cook or grab burn down, and practice not go out it unattended; you'll demand to monitor the heater the entire time it's on to make certain zilch goes wrong. These types of heaters also release a certain amount of carbon monoxide, so make certain your RV is equipped with carbon monoxide detectors. This is non a good freeze prevention solution since it would be a huge safety risk to leave it unmonitored while you're sleeping or out on an risk.

    Propane Heater for RV pipes. Unique Camping + Marine

  • RV skirting - this is primarily a freeze prevention technique that is installed effectually the outside of the RV to block cold air from getting underneath. Using RV skirting while trying to thaw frozen pipes or tanks will speed up the procedure because any heat generated under the RV from other unfreezing techniques volition non be blown abroad by cold winds and will instead be retained underneath.
  • RV antifreeze - this is also primarily a freeze prevention method and shouldn't be the principal unfreezing approach, but once you have drain pipes and wastewater tanks partially thawed, y'all can begin to add antifreeze to not only get alee of another freeze, but as well brainstorm slowly melting the ice.

Now that you lot know which tools you should have on hand, we will walk you through how to use them to thaw your pipes and tanks.

How to Unfreeze RV Property Tanks and H2o Lines

Water ice starts melting at any temperature that is in a higher place 32 degrees F. However, the higher the temperature, the faster ice will melt, so if you lot want frozen tanks and pipes to melt speedily, you want to evenly cover the frozen surface area with higher temperatures to thaw the problem apace.

Before we dive into how to thaw your pipes, it's of import to first cheque your pipes, tanks, and even your water pump to be certain there has not been any impairment done. If a pipe has croaky nether the pressure of the expanding ice and you unfreeze the pipe, the mess could make your already bad twenty-four hour period even worse. If you do find a croaky pipe, plough off the fresh water and the water pump earlier thawing the pipes and place a tub beneath the pipe to catch the dripping h2o equally the ice melts. In the case of a croaky pipe or damaged pump, you lot may need to cut your trip curt to brand repairs or call a plumber to gear up the trouble.

Once you accept assessed and determined there is no impairment, try to figure out where the freezing has occurred.

  • If you can go h2o out of ane side of the sink faucet but not the other, and then the frozen portion is probably between the two fixtures. You may need to simply run a oestrus gun or hair dryer back and forth just in a higher place the faucet until water is running over again.
  • If neither side of the faucet runs water, and then the frozen pipe is probably under the RV, or the freshwater tank or hook-up hose has frozen.
  • If you try to dump your blackness or gray tank and nothing comes out, the discharge valve or the whole tank may take frozen.

Locate the frozen lines or tank under the RV and use 1 of several thawing methods:

  1. Bank check the water pump (the most costly repair) offset to exist sure it has not frozen.The water pump is usually located within 2-3 feet of your freshwater tank, so if the fresh water tank exists outside of the living space, it'due south possible the water pump may besides. If you doubtable any part of the water pump may be frozen, starting time thawing it out using a heat gun or propane heater (always consider where your pump is located before choosing a thawing method and practise safe apply of these tools to avoid fire gamble).
  2. Wrap the lines with heating tape or heating cable and let them slowly thaw from the heat of the cables. Be certain to open at least one side of each sink faucet because once the ice is thawed, pressure will render and the water will need somewhere to go to avoid damage to the pipes and valves. Most heating cable and heating record products will tell y'all what kind of materials they work well with; almost volition work fine with rigid plastic (like PVC pipage) without melting them. Heating cables and heating record usually have a thermostat on them that detects when freezing temperatures are present, so you shouldn't accept to monitor these while they work.
  3. Use a heating gun or pilus dryer to thaw a specific section of pipe. Practice not leave the estrus sitting on one portion of the pipage for too long. Treat it like a pigment spray gun past slowly and consistently moving the heat from one end of the pipe to the other without stopping. This volition allow the oestrus to distribute and thaw evenly along the entire length of pipe and helps to avoid melting any non-metallic pipage that is frozen.
  4. Install a heating blanket over the frozen tank. Heating blankets for RV belongings tanks human activity just like heating blankets for your bed, but at college temperatures and are more weather resistant. They ordinarily have adhesives that help them cling to the tank, and also have sensors that will plough the oestrus on when it detects temperatures lower than 38 degrees or and then. While these are primarily anti-freezing tools, they tin nevertheless help melt the layer of water ice only on the other side of the tank wall; eventually, information technology volition help the rest of the ice in the middle thaw likewise.
  5. Identify a portable propane heater under the RV. This thawing tool generates a lot of heat and can provide very quick thawing power, but it does pose a risk of fire or carbon monoxide poisoning, so don't walk away from your RV or get to bed with this running under your RV. Even if you're certain it is well away from combustible items, there could nevertheless be a fire take chances because of how much heat information technology is capable of producing, and carbon monoxide is odorless, and so you won't know information technology's a trouble until it's too late; be sure to have carbon monoxide detectors installed in your living space. It's also good practice to leave faucets open while the heater is thawing so that the melted ice has somewhere to go instead of damaging the pipe because of trapped force per unit area. Placing RV skirting effectually the RV while the heater is going will reduce the amount of fourth dimension you'll need to run information technology because the skirting volition help trap the heat nether the RV.
  6. Apply RV skirting to trap rut underneath and block cold air. RV skirting is typically applied to prevent freezing, just applying it after tanks and pipes take frozen tin can assist trap the heat from your thawing methods under the RV and make the process go faster.
  7. Apply RV antifreeze in your wastewater tanks and drain lines to prevent further freezing and assistance in thawing. Antifreeze volition provide a small corporeality of aid in thawing ice, but this should not be treated as a master thawing technique. This should exist used in conjunction with an unfreezing arroyo like heating cables, heating coating, or propane heater. Once plenty thawing has taken identify, first pouring RV antifreeze into the wastewater tanks to speed up the process and prevent further freezing.

Annotation: We recommend NEVER putting antifreeze into your freshwater tank if you are using information technology.

Go on in mind that in gild to use oestrus guns, hair dryers, heating blankets, or heating cables/record, you must take access to electricity, either through a generator or electric hook-up. These methods will not be an option if you are boondocking without a generator. If at that place are other thawing methods non mentioned here that y'all have questions about, contact our customer service; we are happy to assistance you lot find the most effective ways to solve your problem.


The best approach is to implement freeze prevention measures beforehand any time y'all know temperatures will drop near or below freezing. We comprehend more detail on those prevention techniques in our guide on How to Keep Your RV Holding Tanks from Freezing. Here's a cursory review of what we covered in this guide:

  • The portions of your RV water system that could freeze:
    • Water Pump
    • Fresh water lines
    • Fresh water hook-up hose
    • All property tanks
  • Thawing tools and supporting items:
    • Heat gun or hair dryer
    • Heating cable or heating tape
    • Heating blanket
    • Propane heater
    • RV skirting
    • RV antifreeze
  • Unfreezing tanks and pipes:
    • Check the water pump (the most costly repair) to be certain it has not frozen.
    • Wrap the lines with heating tape or heating cablevision and let them slowly thaw from the rut of the cables.
    • Use a heating gun or hair dryer to thaw a specific section of pipe.
    • Install a heating coating over the frozen tank.
    • Identify a portable propane heater under the RV to thaw both tanks and pipes.
    • Utilise RV skirting to trap estrus underneath and cake cold air.
    • Use RV antifreeze in your wastewater tanks and bleed lines to forbid further freezing and assist in thawing.

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Prefer The Unique Method

Yous bought your RV so y'all could enjoy life and spend time with family and friends. The last affair you want to practice is waste precious time and money on fixing wastewater belongings tank problems. Keeping your tanks in top operating status doesn't have to exist difficult, confusing, or expensive if you lot follow our proven process: The Unique Method.

The Unique Method is a comprehensive tank care plan that we developed after years of conversations with real customers facing real problems. The Unique Method provides you with elementary, preventative steps to stop odors, clogs, and sensor issues before they start so yous can spend less time worrying about your holding tanks and more fourth dimension enjoying the freedom and adventure of RVing. Try it yourself and see why thousands of campers trust their RVs with The Unique Method every day.

If yous demand more assistance with anything covered in this guide or only have a comment, we're here to assist you anytime!

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