What is an Amazon Merchant ID - and How to Find It

Then you lot accept just signed upwardly to become a third-party seller on Amazon? Congratulations! If you're like most people new to tertiary-party selling on Amazon, you've probably got a few unanswered questions. This is natural. While registering to get an Amazon seller is adequately piece of cake and straightforward, yous don't get answers to many questions about the selling procedure itself, so most new sellers get-go off with a lack of information. Questions such as the Amazon merchant ID, for example, are pretty mutual. Permit'southward take a await at 2 questions commonly asked by sellers about this important Amazon number: a) What is this 'Amazon Merchant ID?' and b) how do I discover it?

What is my Amazon merchant ID?

Very simply, the Amazon seller merchant ID is used by Amazon to place its sellers. When you lot become a third-party seller on Amazon, you need your merchant ID (as well as your marketplace Id and your admission key ID) for the Amazon Market Web Service (MWS). The MWS is Amazon'due south integrated web service API that sellers use to exchange information on listings, payments, orders, and reports. The MWS has other functions as well, all intended to help sellers grow their business and seamlessly integrate listings, orders, and payment data into their business's existing workflows. Your Amazon merchant ID is as well needed to configure Pay with Amazon in your shop. Amazon Pay is Amazon's ain online payments processing platform. In other words, when a customer buys your production on Amazon, the funds (minus Amazon'southward cut) are deposited into the seller's Amazon Pay account and and so automatically dispensed into the seller's bank account on the next scheduled settlement date. The Amazon Pay account provides Amazon with the post-obit: your payment and tax information, application information for reporting, and your merchant ID (or seller ID) for signing button and widget requests.

Finding my merchant ID

Now that we've examined what an Amazon merchant ID is and what it is used for, we'll take a look at how to detect your merchant ID Amazon. In that location are several ways to do this and they are all pretty unproblematic. The first mode is via the Amazon Cardinal dashboard. Once y'all've registered as an Amazon 3rd-party seller, you lot'llhave access to your Amazon Key dashboard. The Amazon key dashboard is Amazon'due south web interface that merchants use to sell their products to Amazon customers. It also has useful tools to help y'all follow and monitor your Amazon business, so it is essential to a seller'southward success on Amazon. To find your merchant ID on your dashboard, find the 'Integration' tab at the top. Click on this tab then look for the Full general Data box on the new page yous've been taken to. This box will display your seller ID.  You can also find your seller ID via your Amazon Seller Central dashboard. Locate the Business relationship Info tab nether the Settings drop-downward card. In one case you're on the Seller Account Information page, yous'll see a Business Information section, which displays your Merchant Token. The Merchant Token is the aforementioned every bit your Amazon merchant ID or Amazon seller ID. Lastly, you tin likewise find your Amazon seller ID by going to your product page on Amazon (buyers can also use this method to locate a seller'south ID). On the production page, click the seller's name, which is displayed below the product description. When you click on the seller proper noun, a new URL is provided. This URL contains the seller ID; the series of numbers at the very end of the URL.

Good to know

Whether you sell on Amazon as an 'individual' or a 'professional', there are a lot of details involved in learning about the Amazon selling process. The Amazon merchant ID is a good instance. Understanding that it is used by Amazon to identify its sellers and that it's needed for the Amazon Marketplace Web Service, besides as knowing how to locate it are an important function of starting your Amazon seller journeying.